South Carolina 

Association for Behavior Analysis

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  • CASP Webinar: Projecting RBT Hiring and Training Resource Needs

CASP Webinar: Projecting RBT Hiring and Training Resource Needs

  • October 29, 2020
  • 2:00 PM
  • Virtual

The Council of Autism Service Providers has extended a discount for their webinars to SC ABA Members!  Log in to the SC ABA website under the members-only section to get the coupon code for 20% off CASP webinars!! 

Oct 29, 2020, 2:00 pm Eastern

1.0 BACB Learning CEUs available 

The hiring of staff and scheduling of patients are two key drivers affecting quality of care. One of the best indicators of a good prognosis in treatment is meeting treatment intensity and prescription fidelity criteria. We look to identify the systems involved in human capital management that enable reporting transparency, management, and efficient onboarding of staff. Further, we look to analyze the predictive analyses that help to maintain growth in markets while sourcing quality candidates.

Presenters:  Melanie Page & Jeff Skibitsky

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South Carolina Association for Behavior Analysis is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. PO Box 50273, Summerville, SC 29485

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